This internship was a collaboration between INP-ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France and Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Kyoto, Japan. It took place during the summer of 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic prevented me from going to Japan, so it was unfortunately a remote internship. You can find all the sources of the project in the github repository.


During this summer internship, Pr. Ian Piumarta and myself implemented a prototype-based programming language, simple and reflexive by design. Programs written in this language can inspect themselves because the produced abstract syntax tree is stored in a common data structure. They can also extend the language functionalities and modify the primitive structures using the language syntax.


Programs that are reflexive, i.e., able to inspect and modify their own implementation, can be extraordinarily flexible. Reflexivity is often provided by the programming language.

These are the first words of the internship project proposal, written by Pr. Ian Piumarta [1]. During this internship, we implemented a prototype-based language, simple and reflexive by design. The language proposes a Map object data structure that is also used to store the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) resulting from programs. Thus the program can easily modify itself and evaluate a program under the form of an AST at run time.

The language syntax and data structures were mainly influenced by C and JavaScript.1

Lisp was originally designed as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs. It was developed by John McCarthy in 1958 at the MIT [@wiki:lisp]. It quickly became the favorite language for artificial intelligence research.

Lisp is the canonical example of such a language where reflexivity is possible because programs are represented as “first-class” data structures, and any data can be evaluated as a program dynamically at run time [3]. More recent language design favours different syntax for data and programs, with programs typically being represented (after parsing) as an abstract syntax tree (AST). [1]


The starting point of the project was peg,2 a recursive-descent parser generator for C, a previous project of Pr. Piumarta. This tool generates a parser from a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) [4]. To familiarise myself with peg, I started by writing an elementary grammar, that can parse and compute simple mathematical expressions: a calculator. The result was similar to what you can find in peg manual page,3 section LEG EXAMPLE: A DESK CALCULATOR. Then we added features, one by one, until it started to look like a real programming language. Nevertheless, the evaluation of the expressions were done during parsing, and it started to be too complicated.

To continue improving, we split parsing and evaluation, thus producing an AST at the end of the parsing. The AST containing all the program information is then passed to an eval function, which is the interpreter of our language, written in C. We also thought about writing a compiler that would produce byte-code for an elementary virtual machine. It would have simplified the management of the execution flow, which was quite complicated to handle with C setjmp and longjmp.

Since the beginning, the idea was to produce an AST in the data structure of the language itself, that would be easy to inspect, so we used our primitive Map type, which is a key/values pairs store, i.e., a dictionary. Each AST node contains at least:

  • prototype: the parent map of the object, for an AST node, it is a map with the name set to the semantic of the node. For example, Declaration, Binary, While, Equal, Return, etc.

  • line and file: the line and the file of the node definition to produce nice error messages in case of runtime errors.

Then other symbols are used and are specific to each node. For example, for the Binary node, there are two additional keys, lhs and rhs, for the While node, there are condition and body, etc. This way we had a complete API to describe any statement of the language in the primitive Map data structure.

As described in the last paragraph, each AST node contains a prototype, and this construction is at the foundation of the programming language we designed [5]. It provides a very flexible way to create hierarchy and inheritance between objects. The relation between each AST node can even be rewritten in a bootstrap program if this is useful. For example, you can easily write a classes mechanism with prototype chaining to implement shared behaviour, just like in object-oriented programming.

We added many nice features to the language, here is an non-exhaustive and unordered list:

  • JavaScript style object access with and object[exp].

  • Python list slice with the array[n:m], array[:n], array[-n], etc.

  • C assignement operator +=, /=, etc.

  • String operations for concatenation with + or multiplication * like in Perl for example.

  • Splicing operator to explode an array into its members.

  • Runtime error backtrace for error position and Throw/Try/Catch mechanism for error execution flow.

  • Module importation with require keyword like in JavaScript.

  • Primitive utility functions, for example, the classical print, keys to get all keys of a map object or microseconds to measure time.

  • Factory functions to build and convert primitive types.

  • Syntax keyword to define functions/macros with no evaluation of the arguments.


To show a quick glimpse of the language style and syntax, here are three examples.


Here is a simple example of the syntax feature used to extend the language with a non-evaluated arguments function. On the first line, between parenthesis are the arguments of the syntax, following is the keyword for the body. The backtick (stmt) is here to declare a statement in which there can be AST nodes to evaluate, signaled by @.

syntax until (c) b {
    return `(while (!@c) @b)

var x = 0; // var is optional
until (x==10) {
// will print 0 to 9

Here is another example, a bit more complexe, of what can be achieved with syntax.

syntax foreach (variable, map) block {
        var _map= values(@map);
        var _len= length(_map);
        for (var _idx= 0;  _idx < _len;  ++_idx) {
            var @(variable.key) = _map[_idx];
m = { zero: 0, one: 1, eight: "viii" };
foreach ( val, m ) {
    print("v: ", val, "\n");
// will print "v: viii", "v: 1" then "v: 0"

values() and length() are primitives of the language. We witness here that map are unordered collection, in fact they are ordered by keys alphabetical order to speed up search and insertion.

Prototype chain

Here is an example of prototype chaining, this is similar of what you would do in JavaScript to create a common behaviour between two objects. What is interesting is that you can implement your own "new" constructor mechanism to create objects.

var Object = { __name__: #"Object" };
Object.init = fun () { this; } = fun () {
    var obj= { __proto__ : this };
    var init = this.init;
    init && invoke(obj, init, __arguments__);
    obj; // return can be omitted
};       // "{e1; e2;} == e2" -> true

var Point = {
    __name__: #"Point", // #Point is valid too
    __proto__ : Object
Point.init = fun (x, y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
var p =, 4);
Point.foreach = fun (f) {
p.foreach(fun (x) { println(x); })
// will print 3 then 4


Thanks to the ENSEEIHT-KUAS collaboration, Pr. Géraldine Morin, and Pr. Osamu Tabata that made this internship possible.

Huge thanks to Pr Ian Piumarta who gave me so much of his time during this summer. That was a real pleasure to work and learn from someone with his level of experience. Even with the situation that prevents me from going to Japan, and thus the 7 hours shift, he made easy to exchange and talk. He really knew how to make me approach a complex project, step by step, and gave me precious advice. I learned and adopted some of his coding habits and he introduced me to the insanely efficient C preprocessing programming.


This internship was really exciting because it’s always impressive to see how we can execute sophisticated code with a relatively small programming language.

I also discovered how designing a programming language is more about discussion and decision than actually implementing. It makes you think about your influences and knowledge of other programming languages. Nevertheless, it was a great opportunity to improve my C skills anyway and my confidence with the language.

You can find the project repository on Github at with all the source code, tests files, open issues and improvements to be addressed if you have some spare time!


[1]: I. K. Piumarta, Kuas faculty of engineering “internship project proposals (software engineering) — reflexive programming language framework”, 2019.

[2] Wikipedia contributors, “Lisp(programming language)”, 2020. Available:

[3] J. McCarthy, “A micro-manual for lisp - not the whole truth”, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 215–216, Aug. 1978, issn: 0362-1340. doi: 10.1145/960118.808386. Available:

[4] B. Ford, “Parsing expression grammars:A recognition-based syntactic foundation”, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 111–122, Jan. 2004, issn: 0362-1340. doi: 10.1145/982962.964011. Available:

[5] H. Lieberman, “Using prototypical objects to implement shared behavior in object-oriented systems,”, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 214–223, Jun. 1986, issn: 0362-1340. doi: 10.1145/960112.28718. Available:

  1. Which is already heavily influenced by C; one can exaggerate that it is Scheme with a C syntax ↩︎

  2. Project homepage: ↩︎

  3. Manual page: ↩︎