This guide was originally published in the Tetragon documentation. It was first part of the getting started guides, but was later replaced and move to the tutorials section, that was later removed. Since we don’t want to maintain this guide anymore, it would have a good end of life on a blog if it can be useful to some people.

Note that this guide is not a tutorial on how to deploy Tetragon standalone (i.e. without Kubernetes), you can see the container deployment and package deployment guides for that. This is just a walkthrough to try and experiment Tetragon for the first time.

This guide has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04 and 22.10 with respectively kernel 5.15.0 and 5.19.0 on amd64 and arm64 but any recent distribution shipping with a relatively recent kernel should work. See the FAQ for further details on the recommended kernel versions.

Note that you cannot run Tetragon using Docker Desktop on macOS because of a limitation of the Docker Desktop Linux virtual machine. Learn more about this issue and how to run Tetragon on a Mac computer in this section of the FAQ page.

Start Tetragon

The easiest way to start experimenting with Tetragon is to run it via Docker using the released container images. If you prefer running directly the binaries without Docker, please refer to the development setup to see how to build the binaries.

docker run --name tetragon-container --rm --pull always \
    --pid=host --cgroupns=host --privileged             \
    -v /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux:/var/lib/tetragon/btf    \

Let’s break down the previous command options:

--name tetragon-containerNames our container so that we can refer to it later via a simple name.
--rmDeletes the container once it exits.
--pull alwaysForces Docker to download the latest existing image corresponding to the latest mutable tag.
--pid=hostNeeded to read the procfs for gathering context on processes started before Tetragon.
--cgroupns=hostNeeded to detect container feature.
--privilegedNeeded for Tetragon to load its BPF programs.
-v /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux:/var/lib/tetragon/btfMounts the BTF file inside the Tetragon container filesystem. Tetragon needs a BTF file corresponding to your kernel version to load its BPF programs. v1.0.2 of Tetragon.

Observe Tetragon base events

With this default configuration, Tetragon already loaded its base sensors to perform process lifecycle observability.

To quickly see the events, you can use the tetra CLI already shipped in the Tetragon container that was just started, it will connect to the Tetragon gRPC server listening on localhost:54321. In another terminal, type the following command:

docker exec tetragon-container tetra getevents -o compact

In a different terminal, you can start a shell like sh and start executing programs. Here, the commands executed in the shell where ls, uname -a, whoami, and exit, the output should be similar to this:

🚀 process  /usr/bin/sh
🚀 process  /usr/bin/ls
💥 exit     /usr/bin/ls  0
🚀 process  /usr/bin/uname -a
💥 exit     /usr/bin/uname -a 0
🚀 process  /usr/bin/whoami
💥 exit     /usr/bin/whoami  0
💥 exit     /usr/bin/sh  0

You can see the start of sh first, then the execution of the multiple programs, ls, uname and whoami, and finally the exit of sh.

Note that, since Tetragon monitors all processes on the host, you may observe events unrelated to what was typed in the shell session. Indeed, Tetragon is monitoring every process start and exit in your environment.

Write a TracingPolicy to extend Tetragon events

Tetragon by default observes only process lifecycles. More advanced use-cases, require configuring Tetragon via TracingPolicies. A TracingPolicy is a user-configurable Kubernetes custom resource (CR) that allows users to access additional functionality, such as tracing arbitrary events in the kernel and, optionally, define actions to take on a match. These actions can be, for example, used to implement enforcement.

For more details about TracingPolicies and how to write them, refer to the TracingPolicy documentation.

Observability with TracingPolicy

Let’s start with a simple policy:

kind: TracingPolicy
  name: "cat-open"
  - call: "sys_openat"
    syscall: true
    - index: 0
      type: "int"
    - index: 1
      type: "string"
    - index: 2
      type: "int"
    - matchBinaries:
      - operator: In
        - "/usr/bin/cat"

Copy this policy in a file named tracing_policy.yaml in your current working directory and restart Tetragon with the following command:

docker run --name tetragon-container --rm --pull always \
    --pid=host --cgroupns=host --privileged             \
    -v $PWD/tracing_policy.yaml:/tracing_policy.yaml    \
    -v /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux:/var/lib/tetragon/btf    \                      \
    --tracing-policy /tracing_policy.yaml

We added two flags to our commands:

  • -v $(pwd)/tracing_policy.yaml:/tracing_policy.yaml mounts the created local file into the container filesystem.
  • --tracing-policy /tracing_policy.yaml indicates Tetragon to load the policy in the provided file.

Now again, in another terminal, open the tetra CLI to see the new events generated by Tetragon, monitoring the openat system call.

docker exec tetragon-container tetra getevents -o compact

And in the third terminal, just read the tracing_policy.yaml file we created using cat with:

cat tracing_policy.yaml

The output from the tetra CLI should be similar to:

🚀 process  /usr/bin/cat tracingpolicy.yaml
📬️ openat   /usr/bin/cat /etc/
📬️ openat   /usr/bin/cat /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
📬️ openat   /usr/bin/cat tracingpolicy.yaml
💥 exit     /usr/bin/cat tracingpolicy.yaml 0

Note that, the syscall we choose is openat and not open because the glibc and most of the implementations of the standard C library use the openat syscall for their open wrapper. So cat on Linux is using openat.

We can see that during the execution of cat, because it is dynamically linked, it used the openat syscall to open:

  • the cache file for shared libraries;
  • the library;
  • the file we actually wanted to read tracing_policy.yaml.

This is the kind of information we could obtain by executing the program with strace for example, but here Tetragon obtains this information directly from the kernel, transparently for the executed program.

Please note that tetra CLI, with the -o compact output format, automatically tried to decode the second argument as a string and printed it because it has the hardcoded knowledge that the openat syscall has an interesting string as second argument.

You can use tetra getevents to retrieve the whole JSON events and see the complete fields and values retrieved from the event. In our situation the output should be similar to the following.

  "process_kprobe": {
    "process": {
      "exec_id": "OjEwMTgzOTUyNjg1NjcwNDoyNjIzNw==",
      "pid": 26237,
      "uid": 1000,
      "cwd": "/home/ubuntu",
      "binary": "/usr/bin/cat",
      "arguments": "tracing_policy.yaml",
      "flags": "execve clone",
      "start_time": "2023-04-06T18:30:03.405730761Z",
      "auid": 1000,
      "parent_exec_id": "OjEwMTczMDEyNTQ3MjUxMDoyNjIwOA==",
      "refcnt": 1
    "parent": {
      "exec_id": "OjEwMTczMDEyNTQ3MjUxMDoyNjIwOA==",
      "pid": 26208,
      "uid": 1000,
      "cwd": "/home/ubuntu",
      "binary": "/bin/bash",
      "flags": "execve clone",
      "start_time": "2023-04-06T18:28:14.004347210Z",
      "auid": 1000,
      "parent_exec_id": "OjEwMTczMDEwMjc2NTg0NjoyNjIwNw==",
      "refcnt": 2
    "function_name": "__x64_sys_openat",
    "args": [
        "int_arg": -100
        "string_arg": "tracing_policy.yaml"
        "int_arg": 0
    "action": "KPROBE_ACTION_POST"
  "time": "2023-04-06T18:30:03.406205829Z"

You can see that Tetragon collected information on the process itself, with for example, the uid, the binary name, the start_time and much more. It also indicates process parent, /bin/bash in this case. This is the common base of information we also get from the process lifecycle sensors. Finally, we can see that Tetragon hooked the function __x64_sys_openat (for an arm64 host it would be __arm64_sys_openat) and that it also collected the arguments’ value.

Enforcement with TracingPolicy

Let’s see how we can modify the previous TracingPolicy to do enforcement with Tetragon.

Please note that this example is just an illustration and should not be used in a production environment. There are many challenges in building a production-grade policy, that go beyond the scope of this guide. For example, filtering an argument for security can be difficult, especially with file paths. The openat syscall can take relative paths as arguments and even absolute path filtering can often be bypassed by pseudo filesystems like procfs, for example using a prefix like /proc/self/root/ to access /.

Overriding return values

First, let’s say we don’t want to stop any program that would try to open the tracing_policy.yaml but just stop them from actually using the syscall to open the file, as if they were not unauthorized to access the file. We could write the following TracingPolicy.

kind: TracingPolicy
  name: "file-access"
  - call: "sys_openat"
    syscall: true
    - index: 0
      type: "int"
    - index: 1
      type: "string"
    - matchBinaries:
      - operator: In
        - "/usr/bin/cat"
      - index: 1
        operator: "Equal"
        - "tracing_policy.yaml"
      - action: Override
        argError: -1

In the above TracingPolicy, we removed the third argument because we don’t need to extract it specifically, and we added two filters in our existing selector. One matchArgs to filter on the value of the index 1 argument, which contains the pathname to access, and one matchActions to perform on action on a such match.

Replace the content of the policy in the tracing_policy.yaml file with the above and restart Tetragon with the same command as before. If we open tetra with docker exec tetragon-container tetra getevents -o compact and perform a cat tracing_policy.yaml on the side, we should now observe an output similar to:

🚀 process  /usr/bin/cat tracing_policy.yaml
📬️ openat   /usr/bin/cat tracing_policy.yaml
💥 exit     /usr/bin/cat tracing_policy.yaml 1

And the cat tracing_policy.yaml should return the following error:

cat: tracing_policy.yaml: Operation not permitted

Sending a SIGKILL to the process

Now, let’s say that accessing this file in this manner is critical and we want to stop any process that tries to perform such action immediately. We just need to modify the action in the matchActions filter from Override and add Sigkill.

kind: TracingPolicy
  name: "file-access"
  - call: "sys_openat"
    syscall: true
    - index: 0
      type: "int"
    - index: 1
      type: "string"
    - matchBinaries:
      - operator: In
        - "/usr/bin/cat"
      - index: 1
        operator: "Equal"
        - "tracing_policy.yaml"
      - action: Override
        argError: -1
      - action: Sigkill

Again, replace the content of the policy in the tracing_policy.yaml file with the above and restart Tetragon with the same command as before. If we open tetra with docker exec tetragon-container tetra getevents -o compact and perform a cat tracing_policy.yaml on the side, we should now observe an output similar to:

🚀 process  /usr/bin/cat tracing_policy.yaml
📬️ openat   /usr/bin/cat tracing_policy.yaml
💥 exit     /usr/bin/cat tracing_policy.yaml SIGKILL

And the cat tracing_policy.yaml should return an error (that is actually returned by the shell that invoked the program):


Now the process will not have the time to catch the error and will be synchronously terminated as soon as he triggers the kernel function we hooked with our specified argument values.

Again, the specific filtering is only given as an example, just reading the file using cat ./tracing_policy.yaml will bypass the policies presented here.